2. Mail order! Yes! I'd rather pound the keyboard than the pavement anytime! I kicked off my Christmas shopping a couple of weeks ago thru Pottery Barn and LL Bean. I need some new sites to feed off of. Please! Please kick me a few this way!
3. Coffeemate Peppermint Mocha Creamer. Need I say more?
4. Remember when you get caught up in the rush of the holidays: Breathe in. Breathe out. Repeat as necessary!
5. Get out there (or online) and order yourself a Third Day Christmas CD! Awesome! Mucho blessed!
6. Oh yeah! First weekend in December! Mobile Bontanical Gardens Annual Poinsettia Event AND the Artists' Christmas Market. I will be present with the Artology group showing my wares Friday and Saturday (12/3&4)!
Honey, I am with you!! Bring on the computer and let me sit and shop in my jammies and drink my wine:)