It's Thanksgiving Eve.
I'm suddenly thrown into doing the preparing
instead of being the guest.
I won't complain! It's the kind of rush I thrive on!
And whether you're celebrating the holiday
with 21 or 3, it's still a celebration!
It's the pits not feeling well during a holiday.
We cancelled our road trip to visit with
family in North Mississippi.
No pickin' and grinnin' in our holiday this year.
No Aunt Jenny's Dressing.
No Annabelle's Chicken on arrival.
No beautiful music from Chapman on the piano.
No belly laughs following Uncle Carl's jokes.
No Chicken Train.
No shopping at The Sanctuary.
This also means if we have any semblance
of a Thanksgiving meal, well, you know ....
if it is to be, it is up to me.
Be advised! There will be short-cuts!
I suppose the bright side is we will have leftovers!
There are no leftovers when you travel for Thanksgiving. [sigh]
I'm already missing my Keller Bug.
I won't see her again til Monday.
That's FIVE days, people. Five.
Ok, gotta change directions and head out to the market.
Maybe when she finally gets outta bed
Lindsay will be inspired to help with
preparing Thanksgiving sides. Maybe.
Speaking of inspiration, I'm beginning to feel
some after peering into the pantry and seeing
all those quart jars lined upwith green beans,
new potatoes, sweet potatoes and apples!
Only need to add a turkey breast,
a pan of Carrington's Dressing, (I did say "short-cut")
Aunt Jenny's Shortcut Dumplings,
some Collards from the garden,
devilled horseradish eggs,
and move bread day to tomorrow. We're set!
Now, I just have to wave my wand over it all!
It will all come together, complete with centerpiece!
And, deserts. Oh My! Another list!
Just you wait and see! I can do this! |
First order of business:
Go to the pharmacy and inquire about
prescription strength Quafenisen.
Gotta dose us both and break up
this lingering congestion.
Enough already.
It's the holidays, for Pete's sake!
Remember!!! In all things, Give Thanks!