Deep into the throws of opening a new gallery downtown with my friends, my granbaby girl kicking her new found walking abilities into high gear, pulling off a multi-artist show ... and suddenly Christmas decorating and shopping are tossed into the mix. Lists and laundry and foot-soaks, Oh My!
I am determined not to let it get the best of me. After all, it's not like I didn't know it was on the calendar, right?! I ran into my neighbor at the grocery store this afternoon. He exclaimed, "I know you already have a head start ahead of the rest of us, as usual." Assumptions are so funny. I hung garland and a wreath on my front door Sunday after Thanksgiving. Inside, the boxes of decorations are all piled up along the dining room wall waiting to adorn mantels, tabletops and trees. Maybe if I toss a few lights on the year-round tree in the corner of the living room, my back-door neighbors will think the same thing. Problem is, my family will still be wondering when mom is gonna get around to it. Anybody out there in cyber space have a round tuit? I need a few dozen! I know! I know! Everybody is busy. This is MY world. Go type your own blog!
I wonder if I can buy round tuits wholesale?

NOTE: An elf with a halo showed up at my front door this morning and spent six hours, yes! Six! decorating my tree and wrapping gifts. Thank you! Thank you! Debbie you achieved hero status in my book today!!
What happened to your insane to do list?
ReplyDeleteIt was so insane it was almost unbelievable! And was likely quite a bore to readers. Maybe not to you cause you have insane to do lists too!