I always find comfort and joy in images of angels. I've spent a good bit of time in prayer for a sick friend and for an ever looming albatross which for better words, in the old religious text, an unspoken prayer need. I took a fasting hiatus from Facebook and colas. Don't laugh! I gave up two things that were a constant companion. I always do something similar during Lent just because I believe the nature of Lent is more about sacrificing for the greater good of self. I don't mean that in a bad way and perhaps some might think it a bad choice of words. But, I'm not catholic so it's my own interpretation ... how I feel personally. I just think it's a good opportunity to purge yourself personally of whatever has a stronghold on your life or your physical being; the jumping off point, if you will, of finally giving up a bad habit. On the other hand, to me, fasting is more about a personal sacrifice for the other person or for yourself where there is a need or for clarification. You know, that 'be still and know' scripture? Often that scripture reminds me to slow down as well. The hectic pace I often keep requires me to do that more frequently these days. Just slow down. Be still. Be quiet.
Currently, my friend is in need of physical healing. This constant state of a prayerful spirit has taken me down many unexpected paths. I'm grateful. I have another week of the same ahead and contemplate entering the Thanksgiving season truly thankful.
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