Sometimes you've just gotta let a few things fall to the back burner. For me it has been my art business. And my yard. And my hair-cut appts! And my health. During my mom's illness this past year, especially the last three months, she had to be the priority so there was no painting, or posting or filing. No weed pulling. I've rescheduled my hair appointment five times! Amidst all this, Sammy, one of my "son" dogs got terribly sick too. We got him through that and he's well and joyful again. I've also been taking my 82 y/o aunt for chemo. She's doing great with it. I've been spending every possible minute when I'm not playing catch up or catch my breath....with my precious new grand daughter, Keller! She arrived less than one week before my mom passed away. She is filling the void with happier thoughts! Also trying to get a gallery pulled together at the glass shop. Giving lots of thought to doing a quarterly art newsletter but for now it's just the "thinkin" stage! I may just continue to send new "doodles" on my mailing list with brief updates about what's goin on in my world or just keep that up on this blog.
Lining up for shows this fall. I'm gonna do the Shrimp Festival! I had pulled out of it cause of my mom's illness and not knowing what phase we would be in. I was already dealing with guilt over missing Mother's Day cause of Art in the Park. She encouraged me to stay in the show .... although we both knew deep inside she wouldn't be with us next year. Now that guilt has reared it's ugly head again. I don't want to live my life with regrets and I know my mom loved me and bragged to everyone about my art. So now I've gotta get back on track and continue to make her proud!
As for myself...I had my first official panic attack at the hospital the afternoon before my mom died. It hit me like a lightnin' bolt. Now I'm taking a mild blood pressure med and increased iron and B12 shots cause all that has either shot up or bottomed out. And, when I feel the anxiety coming on I have a very low dose xanax at hand.....keeps much of the tearfulness at bay and I sleep much better with it cause all those sad thoughts...as well as to-do lists...seem to keep me awake. I need lots and lots of art therapy!
Spending this weekend trying to re-group and plan some new work....after I get some pieces finished for Second Friday Artwalk downtown Mobile at the Cathedral Square Gallery. I am a featured artist for the "From a Child's Eye" whimsical and fun artwork. Hope I can gather enough pieces for the event. Oh yeah! I'll just whip up a few things! But first I have to write/send out thank you cards and make a couple of cakes for birthday gifts and some other treats for all those friends who had my back this last few months! Love you all! t
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