Emptying the studio (filling the dining room in the process) in an attempt to re-vamp and organize. Over the last three years, accumulation of art supplies, resource materials and ephemera have taken over, leaving no space to be creative. So, everything was moved out of the studio and into the dining room. The only thing left were the work tables and shelving. After rearranging a few things and making a list and sending a car load home with a fellow artist, I'm beginning to get back into the groove of painting and creating!

While running errands over the weekend I decided to make a few stops at tag sales. I saw an estate sale sign and had to go back! The lady asked what I was looking for. I told her old jewelry, KJV large print Bibles and shelving I could hang on a wall. "No, none of that" she said as I stared into the garage. She told me there were things inside for sale as well. I immediately asked about these shelving units. I desperately needed flat storage in my studio. After wheeling and dealing with the guy in charge, they loaded them up with 1/16th of an inch to spare in the back of my Tahoe! IT was meant to be and has found a new home! No more digging thru piles for mats, bags or paper! I can also use a couple of the shelves for drying space for oil pieces! Yay!
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