it came
to pass
in the
a saviour
was born . . .
HO HO HO!!! Hey ya'll! I hope each of you have a very Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year! I'm looking forward to the new year and the adventures it has to offer. But this one's not over til the fat man gets back to the North Pole! I'm determined that the Christmas decoration boxes will not sit around til Mardi Gras this time! I think I'm gonna keep out my nativity piece of Santa kneeling at the manger. It's my all around favorite. Very humbling.
Still praying for my mom's recovery. Praying God will see her through it and make her stronger in body and spirit. Also for Jennifer's pregnancy that there will be no complications. For Lindsay's safety as she will be driving on her own more and more. For my husband: blessings and safety and continued wisdom. For our aunt to be done with the cancer and my cousin to get good reports on some serious health issues. And for my dad to find the job he's looking for. I trust God for wisdom and discernment in my artventure (a little play on art and adventure - it has certainly been one!); trusting him to lead me in a direction that will be full of blessings and joy and the stamina and courage to do it all! I offer prayers for family and friends and neighbors to be blessed and healthy. Our Country and the incoming presidency is on my heart as well. We may be in for a ride, but I know my God is in control of all these things. It's that "free will" thingy that concerns me!!!!!! Don't miss Christmas Eve Communion! And don't forget those reconciliations! Hugs and joy to all and to all a good night! What I need is a good night's sleep!!!
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