It's not too late to bake these! I tried to imitate the chocolate chip cookies we had during our stay at the Doubletree Hotel in New York last spring. They are complimentary upon arrival. Actually they were complimentary everytime we arrived back to the hotel from a day out in the city! Heavenly.
Anyway I saw some copycat recipes online but decided I didn't have time to do all that measuring and such. So, while I was measuring and such, making my dad's traditional Lanes Cake, I decided since I had the mixing bowl out I'd give the cookies a shot. I confess. I cheated.
I had three jumbo tubes of prepared Nestle Tollhouse cookie dough in the fridge. I brought it to room temperature and put it in the mixing bowl. Using the dough hook, I folded into the cookie dough 2 cups of chopped walnuts and two cups of Quaker Oats. Then dropped by small scoops onto cookie sheets and baked them for 9-10minutes. Seven dozen cookies later ... I may have nailed it! Prepared cookie dough is so versatile. Create something!