Good Sunday Morning, Y'all!
Yes! Well .... technically, No. I haven't been a faithful blogger.
Once again, I'll try to be more present. We'll see, won't we?!
Hope y'all had a wonderful 4th of July! It's been a rainy one here! There was a small pocket of no rain during which a fireworks display was delivered by our son-in-love in the front yard of the camp property! We made paper chains and read The Boxcar Children! Gramma rocked the little one a lot!! Joy!
It's getting quite soggy outside after nearly a week of rain, and another week long rain in the forecast. The garden is drooping and getting leggy. I'm hoping for a break so I can at least add a few supplements to replace all the goodies leaching from the ground in the raised beds. On the bright side, the watermelon vines have grown about four feet the last few days!!
I'm gonna try and finish a piece of artwork for my grandbaby's birthday coming up next weekend. It's been on the easel for a couple of weeks awaiting finishing touches. There are also three 3x4 boards awaiting painting (photo props for her party). Nothing like procrastinating to get your beeeehind moving!
If you're on Facebook, come over and visit the Healthy, Wealthy, Wise and Other Junque page! It's where I've been hanging out. It's probably the reason this blog has fallen behind! Come visit!! It's Christmas in July!!
Hugs to all!!!
Love deeply. Laugh. Cry. Talk to God. Be realistic about the to-do list. Stay in touch. Hug. Dream. Smile. Break Bread often with Family. Spend Time with your Girlfriends. Shop til you Drop! Extend Grace. Be Quick to Forgive and Slow to Anger. Walk. Breathe. Sing. Dance. Read. Eat Chocolate. Savor a Good Glass of Wine. Wiggle your Toes. Sleep well. Life is Good!
Hey Lady! :) It's good to see you back on here. If you have a chance, post a pic of the artwork when finished. Love to see it!!
ReplyDeleteHave fun and stay dry!
p.s. eat a piece of watermelon for me. :))
I will!!! As soon as I finish! It's the 11th hour and I still have two pieces to complete (actually start)!