Love deeply. Laugh. Cry. Talk to God. Be realistic about the to-do list. Stay in touch. Hug. Dream. Smile. Break Bread often with Family. Spend Time with your Girlfriends. Shop til you Drop! Extend Grace. Be Quick to Forgive and Slow to Anger. Walk. Breathe. Sing. Dance. Read. Eat Chocolate. Savor a Good Glass of Wine. Wiggle your Toes. Sleep well. Life is Good!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Our Kell-Bell at 8 months old

Sweet baby girl! Wish we could see her toes! They cover the bigger story!

She had a photo session at the Botanical Gardens a couple of weeks ago with live bunnies. One of them hopped over and bit her little big toe requiring three stitches. Where's Elmer Fudd when you need him? This photo was taken by her mom, not the bunny photograper.


My oldest daughter, Jennifer, has loved taking pictures for as long as I can remember. Come to think of it, even my youngest daughter was born with a camera in her hand! They both love documenting life all around them.

Jennifer has begun stepping out to show her photography in public and recently entered several pieces in a local contest. Not only did she win....she won Best of Show! We were all so excited for her! The winning piece was featured at this year's Festival of Flowers event in Mobile and will hang at the Providence Foundation and the Mobile Museum of Art for awhile. She will soon take her collection to a spring show on Dauphin Island and test the waters with the buying public!

Her subject matter includes flowers, buildings, animals and a vast array of landmarks and people. Perhaps the most photographed is my adorable granbaby girl, Keller! Say "Cheeze" Kell Bell, your mama has joined the papparrazi!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

The Unforgettable Journey of Found Baby

"This site is for all of us who wish for the end of abuse, neglect, and violence against children, women, and adults. Found Baby's story is fictional, but represents many of the challenges and feelings those who have lived through such events face."
-Ardith Goodwin, Mobile, AL Artist

It's quite amazing how my friend, Ardith, has turned a found baby doll into a cause echoed nationwide. Join the adventure of Found Baby and follow The Unforgettable Journey of Found Baby and Friends on Faceboook!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Hi! My Name is Terri. I play Farmville!

Yep, I do! I blocked the application for a year before that day I looked over my daughter's shoulder and watched her playing. I'm hooked. I started playing on New Year's Day and two and a half months later I'm at Level 45. Not too shabby! I average a couple of hours a day, off and on while caring for my granbaby girl and doing artwork and housework, etc. It's a blast! I have met so many people and caught up with old friends playing too. And yes, I joined the group "I don't care if you don't care about my chickens and cows and bonuses" along with hundreds of others! It's a challenge, but for the most part it's an escape from stress. I confess I get excited when my neighbors all pitch in to help with a barn raising or the race is on to collect the most gold pieces for St. Patty's Day! I don't set my clock to harvest .... well, there was that one time! Gimme a break! I was new at the game! I'm a much smarter farmer now!

Yes, Dr. Phil, I confess! I play Farmville. It's rumored so does Rachel Ray, Lady GaGa, Avril Levene and many, many others! It could be worse! I could be playing Yoville, Petville, Hospital World, dialing up a psychic, sending you smiles and hugs and flowers everyday. The beauty of it is if you aren't interested then block the application from view and shut your pie hole from all the complaining about Farmville! LOL!!! Chickens and fruit trees and ..... gift cards! Oh my!

Footnote: No longer a farmer.....broke the addiction July 2007. Farmville is like crack! Sold it more plowing, harvesting, collections, and all that mooing and chicken coops! Gone!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Keller at 7 Months!!

Have I told ya'll yet that a grandchild will rock your world? It's has mine!! I love, love, love that granbaby girl of mine! I have the privilege of taking care of her during the week while her parents work and I'm lovin it!

She is getting to the age that she can play with simple toys and loves watching Fraggle Rock while gramma paints! She is learning animal sounds while sitting in my lap watching Farmville! Yep, I'm a farmer! No! I don't set my clock by the harvest time and I don't keep lists of who owes me farm favors! It's just a game! Love it! My real life keeps me busy enough but when I do get a break I probably spend more time than I should playing! It is my very own form of mindless therapy.....though it will never replace retail therapy!! LOL!

Looking forward to all the rain and cold weather coming to a halt! Ready for warmer weather, green grass and colorful flowers!!! Hey! It doesn't rain on Farmville! Something is always blooming!!!

Can't wait to get back to the Island and visit with seasonal friends. I have several outdoor art shows coming up in April and May and have been preparing for those. I had a slow start since my aunt passed away a couple of weeks ago. I still haven't quite got my groove back since my mom passed away last summer but it's coming on slowly but surely! I begin working at the art gallery again tomorrow. My daughter is taking advantage of my need to work once a month downtown and looking forward to spending a free day with her baby girl! I will miss her but really need to be down there. I really get fresh inspriration when I'm at the gallery and talking with fellow artists!

Current preparations are for an all girl party on the island to celebrate turning 50 this year with the girls I graduated high school with! I am really looking forward to that!! Lots of great things going on! Life is good!!