After the Shrimp Festival, I made a goal to complete a painting a week from now til Spring shows begin. That was six weeks ago. I am six paintings behind. Really. Well maybe not. I didn't consider the five dog paintings I did for ArtWalk over last weekend. That counts! One of them is above. So, technically I'm only one behind!
I have been working on a commission piece during that time. It will be finished this weekend and will be delivered before Thanksgiving. I'll post it as soon as it is delivered. They have to see it before you! I'll also been taking care of Keller Bug everyday. What a joy! She's getting older and more alert of things around her. After I get this huge canvas out of my studio, there will be room for her to join me a little while each day while I catch up! I'm itching to bring out the oils! They take so long to dry so I want to do those first.
The holidays are upon us and I have a lot to do to prep for them as well. This is why I didn't do anymore fall shows ... so I could focus on the holidays. You know ... making it perfect again. Or trying to, anyway. When will I give up on that and just go with the flow? One day I'm just gonna sit and wait for someone else to volunteer to put the tree up and decorate and bake and address Christmas cards. Yeah, right! I swear. I'm gonna do it. Maybe next year.
Another thing I've done this fall. I have hung several paintings at my husband's office ... a gallery of sorts in the front entry. Looking for chairs and plants to brighten things up a bit. I may see if a few others want to join me. We'll see.
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