That's it. I've been diagnosed.
I have 'Someday Syndrome' ....
a chronic case of it, in fact.
Verbal Symptoms:
One of these days, I'm gonna ....
I will get around to it.
Soon, I'm gonna ...
Starting to sound familiar?
Kind of like a Scarlet O'Hara I'll think about it tomorrow moment.
I've always been a fan of the to-do list, but I also keep a mental list attached to that pile of stuff in the corner. You know you have one of those piles! You know you do! Fess up! A couple of weeks ago while being encouraged forced by a dear friend, one box at a time, to clutter bust my garage, I discovered several such piles, boxes, bags and buckets of things I am saving for 'some day' projects. Mind you, most of them are project specific. My friend was very sweet about it all, though I probably should have laid only one ground rule: Never tell an artist they need to go thru a box and eliminate at least half of what's in there! I know! I know! Who would have known a five gallon bucket of bottle caps were part of a future art project? Or, that a box of rusty found objects were part of a vision?
I ♥ you Colleen!! I know you are proud of
what we accomplished. I am too! I can see the
garage floor and the surface of my studio worktable!!!
You rock, girlfriend! We eliminated over 200 books
and seven .. SEVEN coffee mugs! Filled my car with
stacks and stacks of Amazon cardboard boxes for the
recycle bin!! Gone are two ice-cream makers, framed
mirrors, artwork, clothing, shoes and lots of chotzke!
Several carloads in fact! Thanks Audrey for your help too!
I have continued hauling stuff out! Getting it done. Eating that Frog one bite at a time! Believe it or not (I have witnesses). This time last year I could park my car in the garage! Since that time, various items have needed a place to land. Art show equipment and supplies (yeah! the canning projects took over an entire wall in my studio, requiring relocating a lot of art stuff). We downsized our condo to make it available for rental (we had accumulated a lot of things in that second home). Granbaby Girl's large toys and all the equipment my husband brought home to make my broken foot recovery easier also ended up out there. Needless to say, no room for the car! When I finally finish (when, not if), I will post the before/after pictures! Not a second before!
Call it procrastination. Call it perfection. Call it lazy. Call it busy. Call it distraction. Call it what you want. Just get-r-done! I won't even begin talking about all the Pinterest projects!
I said all that to say this: Don't wait til tomorrow.
Do whatever your heart desires.
Whatever piques your interest.
Make time. Clear a spot and go at it!
Life is short. Stuff is the clutter of life.
Find the time to minimize the clutter.
Then you'll have the time to maximize the joy!

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I'm not all there, but I am in pursuit!!
You did awesome! and don't pay any attention to that crazy woman who thought it would be great to get rid of half of a box full, I'm sure she was just playing declutter's advocate ;) So glad for all we were able to accomplish AND have so much fun too! I had a blast, now I'm at my home shaking my head at all my clutter and thinking "I need to get my house in order!" {a wise woman I know planted that seed ;)} Can't wait to see the after pics, and yes, I'm JUST like you! Can't cook until I've cleaned top to bottom, don't want to clean my pantry until my kitchen is done so I can have an organized place to sort.... I start tomorrow, praying for a focused mind and no distractions! Maybe I'll actually get it all done in one day and have a batch of that tomato jam simmering on the stove and a nice dinner for the hubs by the time he gets home tomorrow.... maybe! :D