Love deeply. Laugh. Cry. Talk to God. Be realistic about the to-do list. Stay in touch. Hug. Dream. Smile. Break Bread often with Family. Spend Time with your Girlfriends. Shop til you Drop! Extend Grace. Be Quick to Forgive and Slow to Anger. Walk. Breathe. Sing. Dance. Read. Eat Chocolate. Savor a Good Glass of Wine. Wiggle your Toes. Sleep well. Life is Good!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Sorry I didn't participate in this weeks' posts. Been a bit under the weather. When I was able to work up the energy to share my enthusiasm for Home Tour Tuesdays and the decorations around our home, my card reader decided to not work again. Fortunately, I was able to simply save a picture of my ornament from the website. Yes! My ornament! The one I received and the one I gave! Chrissy and I exchanged the same ornament! What's the chance of that happening between two people from across the country who have never even met? When the package arrived, I opened it and thought 'wait, they messed up and sent the ornament to me instead of Chrissy .... now she won't get it on time.' Then I looked at the shipping invoice and saw it was to me from her! Too funny cause I almost ordered one for myself! Thanks Chrissy!
Ho! Ho! Ho! Ya'll !


  1. Hi! Coming over via the ornament exchange! Too funny! Great minds think alike!

  2. That is funny, who doesn't love the Griswolds and Christmas vacation?!

    Thanks for joining us and linking up today! Already excited to co-host again next year!


  3. The world gets smaller everyday. How funny is that. You really couldn't have planned it!

  4. That ornament is AWESOME. I love Christmas Vacation!!

    Merry Christmas!


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